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Cataract Removal With Intraocular Lens Implant Surgery Aftercare

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If you have cataracts, then you may experience blurred vision, cloudy vision, or double vision. You may also see halos around bright lights, especially when it is dark outside. Furthermore, colors may appear dull or even yellowed. While getting new glasses with a stronger prescription may help temporarily, as your cataracts progress, your glasses may become ineffective in correcting your vision.

Because of these issues, your optometrist may recommend eye cataract surgery. Although cataract removal with an intraocular lens implant is generally performed in an outpatient setting, the following aftercare interventions need to be implemented to help ensure a speedy recovery.

Avoid Raising Intraocular Pressure

Raising your intraocular pressure following your eye cataract surgery can slow your recovery. Also known as eye pressure, intraocular pressure refers to the pressure that builds up behind your eyes as a result of fluid accumulation. While temporary rises in eye pressure may not harm your vision or slow your healing from your cataract surgery, persistent elevated intraocular pressure can heighten your risk for glaucoma.

To keep your eye pressure within normal limits after your eye cataract surgery, avoid climbing stairs, bending over, lifting weights, and doing household chores that involve raising your arms over your head. Sneezing and coughing can also raise your eye pressure, however, these bodily functions should not be suppressed. At your postoperative visit, your eye doctor will check your eye pressure and advise you when you can resume the aforementioned activities.

Complete Your Eye Drop Regimen

Your doctor will prescribe both antibiotic eye drops and an eyedrop to help decrease intraocular inflammation. You must complete your eyedrop regimen to help ensure an uneventful recovery. It is also important that you avoid touching your eye with the tip of the eyedrop applicator so that you do not cross-contaminate your eyes with bacteria. The drops should not cause any adverse reactions, however, if you experience eye irritation or excessive tearing, let your doctor know. If you are unable to self-administer your eye medications ask a family member or friend to do it for you. 

If you experience blurred or dim vision, or if your irises look cloudy when you look in a mirror, see your eye doctor right away. These signs may mean that you have cataracts. Cataract surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require an overnight stay in the hospital, nor does it require general anesthesia. Most people sail through their recovery periods and are very pleased with the vision-enhancing results of their surgeries.
