Having dry eyes may make you unable to concentrate, focus and do just about any daily task. You need your eyes to do just about anything, so if your eyes aren’t functioning at 100%, it can make your life more difficult. It may also lead to other things such as headaches, stress, or nauseousness. If you think you have dry eyes, read on for some of the signs, as well as the causes and what you can do about it. Read More»
Aging eyes require more care, not less. When you are young, and even into your thirties, your eyes seem to have no limitations except those to which you were genetically predisposed. Then you turn 40, and suddenly things are not quite the same. It is disconcerting when you begin to notice oddities with your vision.
Hopefully, if you are still seeing your eye doctor annually, he or she will catch anything out of the ordinary. Read More»
One of the ideal ways to help you see better is having Lasik surgery. Doing this one thing may be the key to having a higher quality of life. The good news is you can get back to enjoying your daily activities quickly by doing the right things during recovery. Knowing specific tips to help your recovery time go faster is sure to be ideal.
Tip #1: Avoid driving
The last thing you will want to do after having this procedure is getting behind the wheel. Read More»
You probably grew up seeing your primary care physician and dentist regularly. You may even still seem these same healthcare professionals as an adult. However, unless you had the need for prescription eyeglasses as a child or teen, you may have never been to an eye doctor. If you are now starting to have trouble with your vision, you need to choose one to see. Here are a few tips for choosing an eye care clinic. Read More»
Eye contacts, or contact lenses, have come a long way from the very hard and scratchy ones first sold in the sixties and seventies. However, you still have to be really careful with your soft contact lenses, or you could tear them. Even while wearing your lenses, you may encounter a lot of problems with your vision and plenty of discomfort. If you are having a hard time seeing and a more difficult time wearing your lenses, something is very wrong. Read More»